This is a fun time of year....starting with a blank journal! I remember reading in Loretta Marvel's column in "Cloth, Paper, Scissors" that she has lots of journal scrapbooks going....the article was entitled "Tis're not". It was about jumping in and journaling in a blank book. One thing that was very freeing, she said you don't have to start at the front and do pages in any this year, I may try to "loosen" up that way too and just open it and cut and paste!

However, this is the front piece just inside the cover....a portal page, if you will. The page features the Roman god, Janus who looks both ways. He is the god of doorways and portals.
My cover features a Buddha from a birthday card sent to me...I read and enjoyed "Eat, Pray, Love " this past year. As an armchair traveler, I use this card to represent those exotic places where Buddhist shrines and Hindu ashrams can be found! Meanwhile, I may plan a retreat to our local Benedictine monastery! MORE ramblings...