This is Fern, she is a woodland sprite who spends much of her happy time scampering around the forest floor.
Today she found a nest which had fallen out of the tree. Luckly, no eggs were broken!
She is about to fly up and return the nest, making sure it is secure this time and will not be blown out by any of the blustery winds we have been having just now!
Oh Lila! I just love FernI Nests and eggs are my favorite:) I did find three little broken blue eggs outside of chapel yesterday. Poor birdies didn't have a chance. I saved the pieces for later. I guess you are wondering who is this crazy lady postng on your blog? I just found out that you are my May basket person!!! I am really excited and it will be your daughter's birthday too! That's really cool. Let me know any color choices you have or desires for your basket:) I have tons of vintage photos of women, babies and children if that's any interest to you. Anyway, skies the limit and just tell me! I dabble in collage too and I love your journal pages. Talk to you soon! Jamie
or just reach me on the blog!
She is great. Love her. I have to start on mine. Have the stuff just need to get it done.
Oh, fern leaf wings are just so perfect for May Day!
I must look for ~fern~ next time I visit my enchanted woodland forest where fairys do live! shhh NG
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